Title: Land Flag
Hand-woven patterned linen flag, 50cm x 75cm, 2020
The Notice Board initially invited Geoff and Angharad to Uffington after seeing outcomes from their ongoing collaboration. Geoff is a painter and Angharad is a weaver. Together they have been designing and making fabrics that are then painted into. The paint and canvas are considered equally, which traditionally is often not the case. This potential metaphor coupled with the referencing of their different cultural histories, through specific materials and patterns used, resonates with The Notice Boards wider ambitions to consider how we connect.
Geoff and Angharad said: This flag is of the land. This flag is from the land. This flag is for everyone. This flag was woven by hand. This flag embraces slowness. This flag is hopeful.
We seek to explore our connection to the natural environment. Our flag aims to embody a different relationship to our natural environment, one where there is a mutual respect and care between humans and nature. By making hand grown, hand woven, patterned linen fabrics, we try to promote an understanding of where we come from; of listening, observing and participating in the slow time of the earth. A quiet awareness of the interconnectedness of things emerges through the slow laborious processes involved. The aim of the Notice Board and its theme has allowed us to expand how weave, pattern and the fabric can take centre stage in the objects that we make. Inspired by Latin American weave motifs and structures, where fabrics become physical embodiments of a belief system, the flag looks to present our interconnected relationship to the natural world through materials, pattern and the weaving process itself.