+44 (0)771 364 7715
I try to make sense of the world through drawing. I take drawing to be more than a technique – rather a disposition that reveals our deep connections with the world of materials, nature and each other. A drawing attention. A drawing from, with and together.
With rural and coastal communities, over extended periods, I consider how we improvise and imagine in response to our immediate problems. I advocate for sustainable, strength-based, co-production approaches and process-led practices. Often working in collaboration with artists, organisations, researchers and curators.
I am a trained Restorative Justice Facilitator and experienced in supporting people and organisations to reflect on or activate change.
Commissions and exhibitions include: A tentative piece of ourselves we stake at the boundary: Tomar, Portugal (2024). We have found in the ashes what we lost in the fire: Residency. METAL (2024). Encyclopedia of Us Hull (2018 – ongoing). Drawing Paper Show (2023) Newspaper and Bridewell Studios Liverpool. Together we are powerful (2023) National Centre for Craft and Design, Nothing, will be the last forever (2022) Shining Cliff. Derbyshire; Homelands (2021/2): Metal; Whose Culture? (2021): Peterborough Cultural Strategy Group; Encyclopedia of Us (2019 – ongoing) Three Ways East; Made by Hands (2020) Rotterdam; The John Ruskin Prize (2019); Who Cares? (2018/19) Lakeland Arts; Leap of Faith (2018) Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Manchester Met University; Museum of Contemporary Farming (2018) Museum of English Rural Life.
I showcase international artists work in a notice board and on a flag pole in my front garden @noticeboardunited
I presented papers at Into another Intensity [2023] OSR Projects, Re-Scaling the Rural [2022] Denmark and Assembly [2021] a-n/Haarlem Artspace .
I have undertaken international residencies in Rotterdam, Wakefield, Hamburg, Portugal and Japan.
My work has been included in publications such as: Locating the Self – Welcoming the Other [2022 Peter Lang Publishing] and I have contributed chapters to Re-imaging Rurality [2018, ORO Editions] and The Journal of Arts and Communities [2016, Intellect Books].
My approach principles are here
This website is a collaboration with An Endless Supply.