These drawings grew out of research into half land half water places. Fragile, East of England sites where residents respond to immediate concerns in clever, often beautiful, ways. These incredible beached boat/houses are just behind the dunes in Heacham, Norfolk. They are constantly adapted and extended – masking the humble wooden coal boats at each of their centres – as owners try to keep them land locked.
Architect Professor Stephen Walker wrote an essay in response to the drawings and site – here’s an extract:
Kate’s drawings of the Heacham house/boats point to what we cannot see, to what they refuse to show us directly. They—the house/boats in the drawings and in their site at Heacham—occupy a provisional landscape that redirects our gaze (literally) and our thoughts in strange and unexpected directions. As well as celebrating improvisation, they draw attention to ongoing negotiations, and ask us to look the other way, or look another way.
The drawings were selected for the John Ruskin Art Prize 2019
10 x Pencil on paper
Each A3
Funded by
Arts Council England