The Encyclopedia of Us (EofUs) has developed out of a long-term collaboration between the HU3/ Docklands communities of West Hull, myself and arts company Three Ways East. It is an ongoing coproduction with HU3’s many brilliant residents, groups, businesses and organisations.
The newspaper makes visible and holds safe HU3’s many stories, while working alongside its communities to imagine and shape the future. It aims to showcase the determination and skills of the community it serves, while also acknowledging the ongoing challenges. In many ways it’s a living archive to help us see, imagine and act through the You Can’s we develop and offer. Our overriding ambition is to be dynamic where each issue reflects ideas that emerge through ongoing work.
Designed by Paper Rhino and printed in an edition of four thousand, each issue is distrubuted via community organisations, residents and contributors.
Issue 3 was released in July 2023 and can be read HERE
Issue 3 was released in July 2023 and can be read HERE
Issue 2 was released in July 2022 and can be read HERE
Issue 1 was released in July 2021 and can be viewed HERE
@eofushu3 extends this work online
A recent reviews:
“This newspaper reflects the goodness around here, which is very often in our blind spot… well we can only say bring it on. Here there are so many people hidden..behind screens, behind curtains, behind needles, behind bottles with alcohol, behind big smiles, or polite words..but the real people with their goodness is hidden, because someone, somewhere, sometime, made them feel insignificant, no ones, empty…like pot hole on the road, or a broken stich on a nice dress, or mould on the favourite food… Let’s bring them out and and put them under the light. What a wonderful thing.”
“I think the value of the paper is that it’s an inside looking out thing rather than an outside looking in thing (it has this function too but I think that’s secondary). I think something George says in his article, in Issue 2, sums up its worth: ‘My photos are about celebrating people who are overlooked, or who don’t have a voice or will never have a voice.’
“The paper works as a connector. It’s not just allowing people to see themselves but to be seen by others with the same aspirations. This can only be a good thing and builds social capitol and shifts people to a position to be able to do more/struggle less because there’s the potential to link in with others”.
Funded by:
JF Brignall Charitable Trust
Arts Council England
Hull City Council
Martime Project
National Lottery Awards for all